
A PDF proof of your card will be emailed within 24 hours (Monday – Thursday). Friday entries will have a proof sent within 72 hours) to the email address indicated when placing the order.

After you receive your initial emailed proof, only ONE additional proof will be available at NO CHARGE for changes and/or additions.

For all changes or additional requests after the second proof, there will be an additional $15 per proof.

All proof changes or corrections, as well as the final, signed approval must be faxed to Del Valle Design & Imaging at 575-525-9119. (All signatures and marked changes must be in black ink).

Final Approval Required

A Final faxed and signed (in black ink) approval to Del Valle Design & Imaging is required before business cards can advance to the printing stage. It is highly suggested that two individuals give final approval. This would be the individual that the cards are for as well as the Department Head of the department the cards are being ordered from.

Proofing Responsibility

PROOF CAREFULLY, Del Valle Design & Imaging is not responsible for any errors or mistakes found after the final faxed approval has been received by Del Valle Design & Imaging or after the printing of the business card order. If errors are found after these stages, a complete new order must be placed on this website and payment made accordingly. Proofing is YOUR responsibility.


Payment is required by credit card, NMSU p-card on this website after all required fields are filled out and disclaimers are accepted, and before the initial emailed proof can be made.

After your credit card payment has been made and approved a receipt will be emailed to the email ad-dress indicated on the order form.

Shipping, Delivery or Customer Pickup

There are five options to choose from on the shipping section of the order form.

  1. NMSU Mailing Services will deliver your order to the Mail Stop Code (MSC) indicated in the shipping section of the order form.1) NMSU Mailing Services will deliver your order to the Mail Stop Code (MSC) indicated in the shipping section of the order form.
  2. Pick your order up at the NMSU Print Portal offices at 3034 McFie Circle in the Roberts Building on the NMSU Campus.
  3. Pick your order up at the Del Valle Design & Imaging office at 266 W. Court Avenue, Las Cruces.
  4. UPS shipping is also available on a per card/order basis.5) USPS mailing is also available on a per card/order basis.

You must choose one of these 5 delivery options at the check out stage of the website.

Printing Turnaround AFTER Final Signed Approval is Received by DVDI

An overall turnaround of a business card order is determined by the speed to which Del Valle Design & Imaging receives your final signed faxed approval. Once this has been received, the printing stage requires 4 working days (Monday – Friday). After which two more days are required for delivery to the NMSU Mailing Services or for your personal pickup. The average turnaround is six days.

NMSU Required Guidelines

All business card templates from Del Valle Design & Imaging follow the NMSU Guidelines. Any alteration in formatting, colors, logos, fonts, point size or content, not in accordance to the NMSU Guidelines will not be accepted. Please contact the NMSU Print Portal if you have any questions at print@ or 575-646-4211

No Discounts

There are no discounts on multiple card orders. All sales are final, there are no refunds.